Strengthening P3 Knowledge with PBL Method in Teacher Professional Education (PPG) at Elementary School Level
Development flow, P3, PBL, phaseAbstract
The uneven distribution of guidance on the Pancasila Student Profile (P3) material as part of the Independent Curriculum at all levels of education and regions in Indonesia has caused some teachers who take the Teacher Professional Education (PPG) to have minimal knowledge in designing indicators for the Pancasila Student Profile (P3). This classroom action research aims to determine the independence of PPG participants for Catholic religious teachers and the concept of critical reasoning in designing indicators for the P3 dimension. The research was carried out in four stages of planning, implementation, evaluation and reflection in the Lokakarya 1 Batch 1 class in 2024 totalling 17 people. The results of the study showed that learning for Catholic religious teachers who implemented professional teacher education (PPG) with the problem based on learning method was proven to be able to increase independence from 68% in cycle 1 to 87% in cycle 2. In the process, it was also proven that there was an increase in critical reasoning skills in designing P3 dimension observation indicators according to the final development path in phases A, B, and C of Elementary School (SD) education from 55 to 88 in cycle 2. Suggestion: the learning process needs to be always reflected by educators so that learners are able to improve their learning outcomes from the affective, psychomotor, and cognitive aspects.
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