The Role of the Church in the Development of Gadget-Based Omk in the Paroki Hati Kudus Yesus Teluk Dalam
Gadgets, OMK, and the Role of the ChurchAbstract
Gadget is a term that comes from In general, a gadget is a device or electronic device that is relatively small in size and has a special function and is practical in its use. In today's world, gadgets are very useful for human life or society, where gadgets make it easy to find and explore any information you want to get. The purpose of this writing is to find out the Church's view of OMK in using gadgets, and to find out the role of the Church in fostering OMK's faith through gadgets. Writing this thesis uses qualitative research (Qualitative research). Qualitative research is research into phenomena, events, social activities that occur scientifically, resulting in descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from humans and from behavior that can be observed and places greater emphasis on quality in the form of events, social phenomena that occur. At the moment. Gadgets are one of the technological tools used for preaching today, for this reason the Church takes a role in educating and directing young people in using gadgets. Where the role of the Church greatly influences the lives of young people in the future, the more important the Church plays in the lives of young people, the more likely it is that young people can also change through the efforts the Church gives to young people.
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