The Role of the Catechist in Mystagogical Catechesis for Adult Baptism
Baptism, catechism, catechumens, mystagogyAbstract
For someone who will reach a certain point in his life, he must have the courage to go through a certain process or dynamic that exists within it. Likewise, people who want to be baptized as followers of Jesus and join the Catholic Church must be open to a formation process and the steps they must go through which are called the catechumenate process. Furthermore, the church is also responsible for caring for and accompanying the person concerned in the early days after baptism. This is what is called the mystagogical period. The process of mystagogy for adult baptism is the fourth period of the entire adult initiation process which can also be said to be a period of strengthening faith. The essence of this mystagogical period is to guide the newly baptized to better understand the meaning of the sacraments and to live them in their daily lives. This study specifically explores the role of catechists in efforts to assist baptized adults in times of mystagogy. It cannot be denied that catechists have a central role in accompanying baptized adults to become more intimate with the Catholic faith and to better understand the customs and rules of worship that apply in the Catholic church. By taking on this role, a catechist is carrying out one of the duties of preaching received from Jesus Christ through the church.
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