Evangelizing Mission in Biblical and Magisterial Teachings


  • Megawati Naibaho STP Dian Mandala Gunungsitoli Nias
  • Blasius Superma Yese STP Dian Mandala Gunungsitoli Nias
  • Bartolomeus Sihite STP Dian Mandala Gunungsitoli Nias


evangelizing, interreligious dialogue, mission


The researcher believes that Interreligious dialogue is a part of the mission of the Church. As a member of the Church, the researcher would like to reflect and deepen on mission from the perspective of interreligious dialogue. In this study, the researcher uses the historical method of research. The present work is fundamentally based on the teachings of the Church, especially Vatican II, Paul VI, John Paul II, and the Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences (FABC).  The task of evangelizing in the Church will not be success. it is impossible to do without interreligious dialogue. The Church realizes that in the world there are various differences in culture, religion and also various other differences. This research aims to explore important messages from various Church documents related to the spirit of evangelization. The findings of this study are very useful for Church members to understand practical steps that can be taken to spread the good news to all nations. This study could be of help to the member of the Church who meet others people with various diversity. This situation awakening the member of the Church about the urgency of interreligious dialogue.


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How to Cite

Megawati Naibaho, Blasius Superma Yese, & Bartolomeus Sihite. (2024). Evangelizing Mission in Biblical and Magisterial Teachings. PROCEEDINGS International Conference on Catholic Religious Education and Philosophy, 1(2), 54–69. Retrieved from https://iccrep.stpdianmandala.ac.id/index.php/ICCREP/article/view/5